
Sciatica is classified normally as pain present in the buttock and is the result of repeated/prolonged exposure to cold temperatures such as working in freezers or just cold environments. Walking becomes very difficult as well as getting in and out of a car is painful. While trying to either reduce of limit the pain, almost any movement creates an unnatural posture.

The Piriform muscle which is above Sciatic Nerve presses against it which at first, causes an intermittent pain. The pain will move around from the left side to the right side and it will not go away and over time it will get worse. Eventually, the pain will become fixed to one point in the body and could spread to sacrum bone area and/or lower back. At times, the pain can be exasperated by just touch. Additionally, Sciatica could be caused by the lumbar and lower back pain.

Chronic Sciatica after an Acupuncture treatment could manifest pain a few hours to a few days and sometimes even if you don’t currently have pain. This is the body’s reaction to the outside stimulation. Please note that the body’s Piriform muscle when exposed to the same type of environment will contract by habit.

Types Of Healing Treatments
