Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal cord damage is a nerve disorder that causes limb paralysis. There are various causes of spinal cord damage but the most common are acute or chronic myelitis, spine trauma, myelorrhagia, spinal cord press or spinal cord deformans disease.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Atrophy Syndrome” pertains to this disease. The main channel becomes damaged, leading to stagnant Qi-Blood in the belt vessel which is known as the source of spinal cord damage.

Generally, based on the location(s) of spinal cord injury, symptoms can be manifested and may be accompanied by sensory troubles such as retention of urine, incontinence of urine, hard stool or stool incontinence.

The skin of the injured limb(s) and body are usually stiff and cold with abnormal secreting functions of the sweat glands. Depending on the patient, some might develop bedsores or pressure ulcers from lying down.

Types Of Healing Treatments
