The Foundation of Chinese Medicine –

Information about Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment and The Foundation of Chinese medicine Principles of Chinese Medicine book was excavated in China at 1963. This record book was written approximately 2500 years ago and written in logo grams (meaning letters) which are Chinese characters. Logo grams have many different meanings. For example, the word “Tao” has approximately 50 different meanings. In general, today it is only used to signify a road or a word. The Principle of Chinese Medicine book that was written over 2000 years ago and upon translation, the meaning and contents varied depending on the translators.

Therefore, the Chinese Medicine doctors studied with only the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine books and Chinese herbal books published by the Chinese government. Whereas, the students studying Chinese Medicine in the USA today are studying with the translated book(s) written by modern Chinese Doctors. Chinese Medicine book written by Doctors in US are either written independently or with assistance from other professors from China. Also, the content sometimes strays from the original work with ambiguities that make it complicated and difficult to understand. The Chinese Medicine books translated from China is simple and clear.

I have shared with you (my patients), the information from the Chinese Fundamental book, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, on this website. Once read, it will be easier to understand the principle theories and methods used to treat certain diseases.

Please note that certain patients may not see their symptoms related to their diseases are not included in the list. For example, you might have Lyme disease but the same symptoms are listed under the disease Malaria. Malaria is known as Shao Yang Syndrome Disease and the treatment for malaria with 1-2 additional point locations can treat Lyme disease as well. It’s easily treated along with 九味羌活湯 (Jiu wei qiang huo tang) – Nine Taste Ostericum Koreanum Concoction. This is a Chinese herbal medicine liquid formula composed of nine herbs including Quiang Huo).

The wisdom to incorporating Fundamental Chinese Medicine therapy to modern diseases is very important. It is difficult to understand because there are various symptoms of the patient’s illness in the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion book, however not all symptoms appear on all patients. Among them, if 2-3 symptoms of the internal Zang Fu is present, it is then analyzed and diagnosed to treat with relevant Zang Fu and meridians. Although some Acupuncturists claim to treat with a combinations of both Western and Eastern medicine by applying Chinese Medicine theories to Western diagnosis. For classification and treatment, the Acupuncturist does not have confidence in his/her abilities to treat with only Eastern medicine. In principle, an Acupuncturist should diagnose according to the principles of Chinese medicine by selecting the appropriate point locations of the meridian(s) and treat with Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Bloodletting, Cupping and/or Chinese herbal medicines.

An acupuncturist does not have a Medical Doctor license to perform surgery nor write prescriptions medications. Therefore, do not be fooled by an Acupuncturist who claims to treat with combinations of both Western and Eastern medicine. It was only possible to cut the chest and perform surgeries as described earlier since there was no Medical Doctors nor medical laws for the practice of scope and restrictions available during that period.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicines are mostly plants except for a few insects and animals and all of which have been passed down by people all over the world. In China, the medicine to treat diseases and to maintain health has been categorized and systematically organized for usage, therefore, China’s teaching material is principles based on the Chinese Herbal Medicine book. In Korea and Japan, some plants did not exist there which in-turn led to the development of their own version of the Chinese Herbal Medicine book according to their native environment.

Chinese herbal medicine and food are from the same source, food is soft and its taste is in the middle/tolerable so that you can continue to eat it. However, Chinese herbs are either cold or hot, spicy or salty, bitter or sour and rough in texture to eat and in fact, some herbs are actually sawdust-like that even animals would not eat. But some herbs are edible due to being soft and delicious. Additionally, some herbs are poisonous and its poisonous property needs to be eliminated before it can be eaten. The rough herb like the aforementioned sawdust-like herbs can be softened and the poisonous herbs can be eaten after removing the poisonous property, all of which would not cause any harm after it’s been consumed.

Moreover, Chinese herbal medicines are all imported from China. Herbal medicines that are poisonous or harmful to the human body cannot pass through Customs and only those approved by the FDA are sold in the US. My clinic does not sell Chinese herbs. Chinese herbal medicine concoctions are formulated with herbs that are selected based on the diagnosis as a supplemental treatment. Payment for the supplemental treatment is additional at my clinic.

Herbal medicine is divided into liquid formula concoctions, powders, pills and jelly/syrup. Liquid formula concoctions are quick to absorb so they are suitable for acute diseases. Powdery medicines and pills are good for chronic diseases and longevity. Powder medicines are formed of pure herbs with no additives. Pills are easy to swallow but most herbal powders are rough and cannot easily be made into a “dough” so additional ingredients such as wheat flour, potato starch or corn flour are mixed with the herbs. Here at my clinic, the medicine is made solely based on patient diagnosis so if someone else were to take it, the effect is weak. Also, since it cannot be stored for a long time, we do not make the herbal medicine in advance. However, only for patients with migraines and indigestion, powder samples are made and given to the patients.

Chinese herbal medicine in powder form based on the patient’s constitution and is made with the addition and subtraction from the basic formula after confirming the efficacy of the sample with the patient. Please do not take powders and inhale at the same time since that would lead to coughing.

Migraine Herbal medicine is a mixture of 5-9 kinds of herbs in Hare’s ear root, of which is made into a powder after being mixed in exact ratios. After you take this medicine, your liver Qi will spread through the whole body and your headache will disappear, your digestion will improve, your mind will relax and tiredness and worry will disappear as well. The mind becomes strong and the liver becomes soft. After trying this basic formula sample, some herbs are added or subtracted according to the patient’s symptoms. This herbal medicine is also very good for people who have removed their gall bladder, a good preventative and effective treatment for hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis and liver related diseases.

The herbal medicine is made by first cleaning the herb for 1-2 minutes, drying it the shade, rice wine is added, dried and roasted roasted and then made into a powder. Most herbs are not sticky which makes it difficult to make into pills. Therefore, a mixture of 30-50% flour, potato starch or rice flour is added to the herbal powders to make it easier to create the pills. Note, the powder form medicines do not need to be mix with sticky additives. After taking this medicine, you can improve your liver function, strengthen your muscles, relieve your headache, regain your confidence, lose your irritability and anxiety, and begin to enjoy life again.

Herbal medicine used for indigestion is 保和丸 Baohewan. Baohewan is good for digestion. Herbs composed of organic, Hawthorn fruit, medicated leaven, poliporus scaerotium, tangerine peel, radish seed and barley sprout. Atractlodes, and chichen internal lining are washed, dried and either poured with liquor to roast or fermented to make into powders with exact ratio mixtures. The aforementioned medicines are made with basic herbs for sampling for those who suffer from the aforementioned conditions. However, some patients will hear the words Chinese Herbal medicine may strongly refuse it or dispose of it without knowing how to take it or repeatedly asking questions regarding side effects with suspicions.

We have already prepared herbal medicine pill’s recommended for diabetes here at my clinic. Years ago, a Korean grandmother requested Diabetic medicine so bitter melon was extracted for juice, cooked in a pot and dried to make pills. Bitter melon was expensive during the winter and the process of making it was difficult so they instead used Diabetic medicine made by Kim Sungryng and it was very effective.

The most important thing is how and who made it despite being the same medicine. As Kim Sung Ryong introduced himself, he was born in a Korean village to poor parents and was only able to graduate from elementary school. He later went on to become a wealth and powerful CEO by processing agricultural and marine products into food. At the age of 40, he was having limb pains and was diagnosed with diabetes. He went to the hospital and realized that being successful with lots of money was not all life is about and set out to travel and see the world before he dies. When he went on a trip to Japan, he ate bitter melon by chance and his diabetes was treated ever since. He soon returned home and began processing the bitter melon to make a diabetic pill. His bitter melon pill is made by fermenting the bitter melons at low temperature, of which some are liquid jelly and some are powder and combined into a pill form. The effectiveness of these pills is far superior to less expensive pills currently on the market. These bitter melons are grown at a farm in China where the climate is perfect and the produce is imported to Korea and undergoes a secret Company process via a fermentation process and low temperatures. Bitter melon is known as the “vegetable insulin” or Momordica, Ampalaya, Charantia, etc. It is native to India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, southern China and other hot regions.

Ats part of our Diabetic protocol utilizing the pills made by Kim Sun-Ryong, we concluded that the pills do not need to be taken for the life of my patient(s), The patient who took it for three consecutive years had a normal pancreatic beta cell and can eat meals and lead a normal life without this diabetic pill nor western prescription medications.

As previously mentioned, herbal medicines come from the same sources as food and despite being safe, many people questioned the safety aspect of them. In addition, peptides derived from sardines have also been developed for the treatment of hypertension and can be taken without prescription. This drug also is not a lifelong drug