Qi, Blood & Body Fluids

Qi, blood and body fluids are fundamental substances which maintain the normal/vital activities of the human body. They are the material foundation for the physical functions of the Zang-Fu organs and their related tissues and meridians.

1) Qi
According to ancient Chinese thought, Qi was a fundamental substance constituting the universe and all phenomena were produced by the changes and movement of Qi. Generally speaking, the word ‘Qi’ in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) denotes both the essential substances of the human body (which maintain its vital activities) and the functional activities (Zang-Fu) organs and tissues.  

Essential substances are the foundation of functional activities and in this sense, Qi is to rare to be seen and it’s existence is manifested in the functions of the Zang-Fu organs. All vital activities of the human body are explained by the changes and movement of Qi.

 – classification of Qi

a. Yuanqi = primary Qi
b. Zongqi = pectoral Q
c. Yingqi = nutrient Qi
d. Weiqi = defensive Qi

– functions of Qi

a. promoting function
b. warming function
c. defensive function
d. control substances
e. regulate metabolic products
f. transformation
g. nourishing function

2) Blood

Blood is a red liquid circulating in the vessels and is a vital nutrient substance in the body.

(1) formation and circulation of blood
as the fundamental substances required in blood formation originate from food essence produced by the spleen and stomach, these two organs are regarded as the source of Qi and Blood

(2) functions of blood
blood circulates throughout the body, passing through the five Zang and six Fu organs (interior), the skin, muscles, tendons and bones (exterior) and in this way, the blood nourishes and moistens the various tissues and organs of the body.

3) body fluid
body fluid is a collective term for all the normal fluids of the body, they are saliva, gastric juice, intestinal juice, the liquids in the joint cavities, as well as tears, nasal discharge, sweat and urine.

(1) formation and distribution of the body fluid
body fluid is formed from food and drink after they are digested and absorbed by the spleen and stomach. the distribution and excretion of body fluid principally rely on the spleen’s function of transportation, the lung’s function of dispersing, descending and regulating waste and the kidney’s function of controlling urination and separating the clear and the turbid of these organs, the kidney is the most important.

(2) function of body fluid (Jinye)
body fluid moistens and nourishes various parts of the body. there are noticeable difference however in the nature, form and location of different types of body fluid. Clear fluids are referred to as “Jing” and is distributed on the muscle surface whose function is the warming and nourishing of the muscle and moistening of the skin. “Ye” is stored in the joints and orifices and has the function of moistening the joints, strengthening the brain and marrow while nourishing the orifices as both “Jing” and “Ye”. these are normal fluids in the body and are derived from the same source of the Qi of blood essence – they maybe transformed into each other.