Clinical Success Rate –

Of the approximate 3,000 patients that were treated in Connecticut during the past for seven years, the success rate of treatment was 1 to 2 visits in most acute cases. For those with chronic cases (of more than 10 to 20 years) who have been seeking different doctors with no success, I was able to cure them in approximately 1-2 treatments (20-30% of Patients), 1-7 treatments (50-60% of Patients), and 7-15 treatments (15% of Patients).

An average of 5% of my Patients were treated for 3-6 months, approximately 3% of my Patients experienced 1 to 2 years of treatment and less than 10% of my Patients abandoned their treatment.

Services And Fees –

After treating patients who suffered from chronic childhood illnesses and those who have been treated ineffectively by MD’s for prolonged periods, I have heard the word “amazing!” repeatedly! 

My fees are inexpensive and I have kept the fees low so as to reduce the burden on my patients who need continuous treatment for longer durations and to prevent them from giving up before being cured due to lack of money.

Please Comply & Understand The Following –

Patients seeking treatment with me will notice that my clinic is small with the Acupuncturist working alone or family members assisting with phone appointments or other related administrative duties. There are no nurses or clerks and this is another reason why the fees are inexpensive.

1. Do not request excessive service during treatment nor related records/certificates. Please don’t ask for water or to keep your drinks or food refrigerated.

I am not fluent in English due to immigrating here at the age of 35, so about 60% of English conversation is possible. It is faster to communicate with me in writing rather speaking. Furthermore, it has been over 50 years since I learned Chinese and Japanese and although I have forgotten some, it is possible to communicate. But again,  writing it is preferred. 

Please do not ask whether I can speak Chinese or Spanish, so please bring a family member who can communicate/interpret for you. This is why it is crucial for the communication between myself and my Patient be accurate regarding treatment along with the Patient Intake and Body Diagram are accurate.

2. One Acupuncturist is suitable for treating one patient/hour. Please be considerate regarding the scheduled time of your appointment. It becomes difficult for the Acupuncturist to concentrate on the treatment if a Patient is late. Be sure to schedule your appointment carefully and cancel your appointment one day in advance. Everyone is busy these days and I ask that you keep your promised time and be mindful of affecting other’s valuable time.

3. Acupuncture treatment does not require a consultation. In most cases, people who request a consultation is mainly questioning how many Acupuncture treatments will be needed to improve their condition. If this is the case, refer to the success rate of clinical treatment.

4. The main treatment points are the hands and feet. Points below the elbows and knees are known as remote points. So when you get treated, you must remove your socks. Before you enter the clinic, please remove your shoes and place them on the shoe shelf. The reason for this is because the shoe is used to walk around outside thus collecting potential viruses and impurities.

5. Keep your eyes closed and remain quiet during your treatment. Consider the fact that you may require needling in the face. You would be more comfortable with your eyes closed. Occasionally, some patients may move their bodies during the time that the needles are being inserted. In doing so, this can potentially lead to pains post treatments.

6. Please turn off all cellphones before entering the Clinic.

7. The Acupuncturist will spend about 1 1/2 hours with a new patient on their initial visit. Involved in this time is diagnosis, analysis and treatment. Returning patients visits average 30 to 40 minutes.

Please read the following detailed explanations of Chinese medicine treatment carefully –

Acupuncture treatment is not based on disease diagnosis but rather on the analysis of the patients symptoms. This analysis directs the Acupuncturist to choose the appropriate needling point locations based on its connecting to the Zang Fu (internal organs) and meridians.

The most important assessment is the face, the color of the eyes, lips, tongue and nails. Please recognize that it is difficult to assess the “true” colors due to dark lipstick, makeup etc. It is routine to to inquire as to the origin of the patient since there are multitudes of different ethnicity’s living in the US.

Additionally, to correctly diagnose the patient’s body constitution (hot or cold), patients are asked what season they feel comfortable with. Often, a patient will answer with either Spring or Autumn. Recognize however, that most everyone enjoys Spring and Autumn so it’s not a defining distinction to conclude the diagnosis assessment. Please answer either Summer  or Winter. This question is to confirm whether the patient’s constitution is on the cold side or the hot side so as to decide on a treatment plan. Should the patient on the hot side (Summer), they need to be cooled while those who choose the cold (Winter), they need to be warmed.

Someone who is Diabetic will notice an increase in their water consumption as well as their urine frequency. Urine is water and organs that are connected to water are the Lungs, Spleen, and Kidneys. If the functions of these organs are abnormal, urine output/frequency might be abnormally high or low. This condition may cause a patient to wake up frequently during the night will affect their normal physiological activities during the day due to insufficient sleep.

During the day, despite being inactive, the mind and body is constantly moving and it’s called dynamic action. At night during sleep, the mind and body is moving but at a much slower pace and this is called status action. During sleep, the mind and body relax and recharge and once day time arrives, activities become rigorous again. Insufficient sleep will lead to the lack of vitality and tiredness of the mind and body which increases the aging process.

If a patient with a headache is asked to pinpoint the exact location of the pain with the index finger but then use all five fingers, it becomes impossible to find the exact location of the headache. There are different types of headache, frontal headache, temple headache (migraine), vertex (top) headache and occipital (posterior) headache. The headache will be resolved only if the specific pain location is relayed to the Acupuncturist so the corresponding meridians of Zang Fu (internal organ) is selected. If there is a problem with the liver (meridians), there is also a problem in the stomach, in which would change the location of the headache and point location selection.

There are patients who point to their forehead and insist that it is a migraine, however it is not in most cases. There are people who say that their buttocks are sore or spastic but point at their waist, or their waist is sore but point at their buttocks. This does not indicate between the anterior, posterior, medial and lateral sides when the body diagram is provided.

A majority of patients decide to tell the correct location of the problem once the needles are inserted, therefore the body diagram is provided to mark the problem area before treatment.

Some patients who have heard of Chinese Medicine terminology or have been treated previously would request to be treated for “no circulation of Qi and blood.” No circulation of Qi and blood is the cause of the disease and it is something that the doctor needs to know.  Additionally, there are patients who use modern medical terminology to explain their condition to the Doctors but then may hinder the diagnosis because they are using incorrect terminology.

It is better to provide the Doctor with a detailed description of the problem (i.e. there is pain when the big toe moves, it is painful at rest, sore or numb, writing what, where, how, and when the problem began along with indicating where the problem area is on the body diagram) thus having a successful treatment and faster healing.